People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care….


During pandemic times of continued uncertainty with no end in sight, nerves are frayed. Budgets are strained. It’s unchartered time for everyone. For more than six months, everyone in schools has made superhuman efforts to keep kids safe, to adapt curriculum to distance learning and then back to in-person instruction, often in the same day or week. 

In the wake of these monumental efforts, emotional bank accounts are severely depleted. The pastoral role in leadership is critical. Adults and students of all ages need reassurance daily in some form. Acknowledgement and validation create energy and good will. They allow individuals to stick their necks out with ideas. The build collaboration and trust at a time when we’re all in new territory.

Celebrate micro and macro accomplishments: 

  • Spotlight in a group:
    “Thank you for making me see a different side to this situation”.
    “I learned something from you yesterday about XXX.” 

  • Leaving notes/emails of something you noticed: postcards sent to students; a joke posted to lift spirits; playing music to set the mood of a Zoom meeting.  

  • Send a small gift card for coffee. 

  • Put candy kisses in staff mail boxes 

Any and all gestures of appreciation make connections, strengthen relationships and bolster credibility. Most importantly, start with yourself before affirming others.  


Beach Ball Awareness